Artist James Dogg, form the Chief Gall Clan, is a
well known self-taught Sioux Artist form standing Rock Sioux Nation. he was born and raised in Little Eagle, South Dakota.
Artist J. Dogg has been painting for over 20 years. His original acrylic paintings are vibrant and sealed with picture varnish
for protection. Artist J. Dogg has sold original paintings in Kansas, Nevada, California, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, New
Mexico, Florida, Montana, Idaho, Washington D.C., Minnesota, Tennessee, Wisconsin, North and South Dakota and internationally
in Japan, England, and Canada. Besides painting on canvas Artist J. Dogg paints on sand stones, buffalo skulls, buffalo robes,
tee-pees, and wall murals for businesses. James Dogg and his daughters craft traditional jewelry and hand crafts.
Most Popular Painting
"Spiritual Run"
A warrior chased by the four winds.
Hours Of Business: 8:00 a.m to 8:00 p.m
How To Order
We take money orders, checks, visa cards, mastercards,
and cash.